Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Epic Fail Continues. . .

So I haven't posted for awhile and I am feeling kind of horrible right now, so I'm gonna post. I think life in general has me down at the moment. I feel like everything around me politically, economically, and personally is stuck in a downward spiral.

So let's start with the political. If you haven't figured it out by now, Obama lied on the campaign trail about almost every facet of his presumed presidency. I expected this, but I am not exactly happy to have been proven right on this one. Let's see, he campaigned on personal liberty and ceasing the unlawful detainment of prisoners that had gone on in Bush's term. What happens after he's elected? He wants to expand indefinite detention. He decried the secrecy in the Bush regime and their total lack of transparency even when it came to visitors to the White House. What happened post election? He pulled a Cheney and claimed that visitor logs amongst other things which would make for a transparent government should be classified (along with the fuckin' photos of torture that showed inmates getting raped). Hmmmmm. . . See a pattern? He campaigned on the removal of don't ask, don't tell and other gay issues. What happened? His administration drafted a brief asking the supreme court to not hear a case in which don't ask, don't tell's constitutionality would come into play. He claimed in that brief that it was necessary to continue the status quo. Right. He's escalated the war in Afghanistan (which he said he would do). There is yet to be any meaningful ceasing of engagements in Iraq. What is going on right now with health care is a total debacle. I mean, where is single payer in the discussion? If not for the protests in which doctors and nurses were arrested in congressional session, it would have been completely shut out in the talks. Obama isn't our president. This is clear. He is the president of the coal companies, the fucking health industry, Wall Street, and the military industrial complex.

I think the fuckin' Bushies should rejoice in the job that Obama has done thus far. I mean, he's a better Bush that Bush was. All the same policies continued and advanced with none of the bumbling idiocy. Fuck. But I also think that for those of us who aren't fuckin' asshole conservatives, this should be a fuckin' wake up call. The democratic party has fuckin' sold the american people to the very same interests that the republican did before them. The have actively worked to undermine the voices in the party that are legitimately for the people (Kucinich, Gravel, etc.). Shit, they even fuckin' tried to challenge Kucinich for his district. His own fuckin' party tried to fuck him for rockin' the fuckin' boat. Democrats need to wise the fuck up and stop supporting these fuckin' corporate assclowns. It's fuckin' obvious who these assholes support once they're in office and it certainly isn't their electorate. Stop supporting the fuckin' Obamas, the Clintons, the Kerrys. They aren't much different than the Bushes, the McCains. Same shit, different names as far as I'm concerned. In 2000, I got a lot of shit about voting for Nader instead of Gore. You know what? I stand vindicated in that decision.

There might have been an argument to have been had about what a president Gore might have been versus Bush. But at this point, Nader's argument about the relative similarities between Gore and Bush has been vindicated. There is virtual no difference in the decision making that happens in the democratic leadership versus the republican leadership. The argument of what might have been no longer holds water. Obama has shown what the result of a democrat for president 8 years of go might very well have been. He ran with the same fuckin' soundbites about being for the people, against pollution, etc. And look at him now. What a fuckin' joke.

And this brings me to the failed economic policies that have us in our current predicament. It seems that every where I look, people I know are hurting. Restaurants are closing. Something like 50% of houses in Arizona are now fuckin' under water. Jobs are disappearing. And fuckin' Goldman Sachs is about to fuckin' pay out the biggest bonuses in company history? What? Are you fuckin' kidding me? I thought these guys needed bailout money? Oh, big surprise. . . they fucked us. And the fuckin' people in power keep letting them fuck us. What the fuck is going on? I feel like I'm fuckin' taking crazy pills. And GM and the other car companies. . . what a fuckin' joke. So let me get this straight. . . we give them money so that they can shut down their plants and move them to other countries. . . how does this fuckin' help us? Glad we have a government that is looking out for us. Good thing we fuckin' elected a president that is for the people. Power to the fuckin' people. I mean, GM is a joke. The story that is fuckin' told to the public is one of unions causing poor effeciency. Give me a break. They didn't need a bailout from that. What they fuckin' needed a bailout on was their fuckin' failed investments. GMAC handled their investments and they were fuckin' bust-o. Nearly all the money given to GM went to GMAC because of their failed investments. But ultimately, that doesn't matter. What does matter is that our government is paying them to basically cut our fuckin' jobs. And it's gonna get fuckin' worse. We are losing more and more jobs. This shit is spiraling. House prices are going to continue to fall. We've still got another round of forecosures coming. Shit is going to get way worse, I promise you. And yet the fuckin' liberals are still drinking the fuckin' koolade when it comes to our government. For the first fuckin' time in a long time, the executive and legislative branch of government is controlled by the democrats. And look what they've done. We're basically fuckin' drowning and rather than help us out of the water, they've fuckin' put a boot in face and pushed us under. Thanks a fuckin' lot. They've passed an "anti-smoking" bill that was fuckin' written by Phillip Morris. That's worthwhile. They've passed a fuckin' credit card bill that a Georgetown Law professor has proven to be worthless. I'm even angrier as I write this shit.

Now, I'm fuckin' depressed by all this shit. It fuckin' bothers me on a daily basis. I feel like I'm better informed than almost anyone I know but my brother. I can converse about clean coal and what a fuckin' pipe dream that shit is. I can talk about the fuckin' coup in Honduras. But you know what? Where does this shit get me? I'm frustrated because ultimately, I can't do a fuckin' thing to influence anyone. No one fuckin' listens. I have yet to convince one liberal to stop supporting the fuckin' democrats. Apparently, I cannot influence the political process beyond the single action of my vote and statistically speaking, that's not very much at all. Ultimately, people are fuckin' uneducated and aren't inquisitive when it comes to things that happen around them. People are content to watch the fuckin' corporate news, drink the fuckin' corporate koolade, and continue the status quo. But I feel trapped because I cannot join them. I cannot not see what the fuck is going on. And so I'm left feeling continually helpless when it comes to influencing any change at all. And nothing fuckin' changes. It's the fuckin' same shit, different guy. So fuck, what should I do?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fuck the Police! Those Pigs Are Full of Fail!

It seems like every other day, thanks to the miracle of camera phones, video cameras, etc. I get to witness the horror of police brutality all across America. It is really a wonder of the modern era that we are fortunate enough to catch these fucks on film as they brutalize the population. It does make me wonder, how many of these incidents go unfilmed? Given the amount that I manage to see on a weekly basis, what percentage of incidents are the ones I've viewed.

In case you only watch CNN or FoxNews or some other blather, you are probably not familiar with the Bart shooting that happened on New Years Eve. Police illegally detained and searched a few "suspects" on the Bart in Oakland on a report of a jewelry robbery. One unlucky individual who was compliant was forced to the ground by two police officers, while a third shot him in the head. Shot him in the fucking back of the head!

Now, is it any wonder that Oakland is rioting? Should this surprise any of us? I mean, news agencies are trying to spin it like "OMG, look at all these unfortunates that get screwed in a riot!". Sure, it is unfortunate that some people suffer property damage. But can you really blame the citizenry of Oakland. Especially when this incident was recorded by multiple cameras? And this fucking pig is still out of jail and living free?

We'll see if this fucker ends up serving any prison time. Frequently, these fucking rapist/murderer/thug cops serve little to no time. These fucking pigs, even when prosecuted (which happens all too unfrequently), waive their right to jury trials and end up with judges that are members of the fuckin' fraternal order of police. These fuckin' judges let these fucks off with fuckin' slaps on the wrist. It is absolutely ridiculous.

Not only should these fuckin' pigs be punished, they should be punished more severely than an average citizen that commits the same crime. Why? Becuase these fuckin' pigs act with the authority of the state behind them. The state needs to deter these fucks from abusing the authority vested in its officers. Unfortunately, this rarely happens.

I bet a few of you that read my blog right now are doubting that police brutality incidents are all that frequent. A part of me wants to start posting videos that I have seen of cops beating, tasering, raping, and murdering innocent citizens. I am not lying when I say that in the past few months, I've seen over a dozen of these incidents that have failed to make news. Isn't that ridiculous? What's more ridiculous is that these fucks still work as police officers. Give me a fuckin' break.

Now that I'm a little through my outrage. . . I think other questions needs to be asked. Do you think that our governmental policies of sponsoring torture and illegal detainment have been trickling down to the local levels with police? Are police merely reacting to a shifting moral stance on the value we place as a society on human life and dignity? Are the police more apt to visit brutality on others with the relaxing of protections against brutality by government agency? I mean, to my mind the acceptance of torture and illegal detainment as just when applied to a segment of the population must on some level affect societal norms. Is this then what we as a society have to look forward to- a rising tide of police brutality? What do you think?