Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Obama - Full Of Epic Fail

I winced as the latest round of appointees were announced. And then I laughed cynically. I remembered Matt Taibi speaking of his predictions for the Obama campaign, in that it would consist simply of ever increasing in size signs that simply said "Change" while failing on any level to really bring change. I thought he was correct about Obama (this is one of the major reasons I voted for an actual candidate for change in Ralph Nader- along with attending a Nader event at Changing Hands, etc.). I think he has certainly proved me right so far. I mean, the "economic team" Obama has assembled really brings out the cynic in me. I doubt John McCain and Palin could have done a worse job.

Where is the talk of helping those with real problems brought on by the predatory business practices of these fuckin' capitalist barons? Obama a socialist? Please. Don't be fuckin' stupid. He's appointing these very same asshats that fucked us to begin with. Now they get their chance to fuck us some more. And we have no one to blame but ourselves. To those who wanted the "change" that Obama brings: Enjoy your fuckin' change now.

While I'm on the subject of actual progressive thought, let me mention that I hope that Frankin doesn't get screwed in this fuckin' recount. To those of you that are curious: have you seen the videos that are available on teh internetz of the ridiculous challanges that Coleman is making? I mean, if a person voted for McCain and voted for Frankin clearly, with no other visible markings, Coleman is claiming that those votes should be invalidated because a vote for McCain denotes intent to vote for Coleman. Are you fuckin' kidding me? My favorite though? A guy writes in for president Lizard People and fills in a bubble. For Senate, he writes in Lizard people and draws a bubble, but does not fill in the bubble and instead fills in the bubble for Frankin. Coleman challenged that one of course, though clearly the guy denoted his intention to vote for lizard people with his bubble, and the same happened for Frankin. Whatever.

I had oft (I always wanted to use this archaic word, and now I have) been in argument with people who disputed claims of little difference between Obama and McCain. I submit that the difference has nothing to do with individuals. Rather, it is that there is little difference between the parties that these two candidates represented. Candidates that recieved a nod from these parties have given up whatever differences they had with minor exceptions and moved towards the center/right. Nevermind that this county, in reality, leans more left no matter what Hannity likes to say. Or for that matter O'Reilly. Ah well, c'est la vie.

Whatever. I'm disheartened right now. I can taste the change. And it tastes rotten. Enjoy the fruits of our labor.

1 comment:

The Filthy Logician said...


I never here that word except from you. Good stuff.

And, um, U R gay!