So I want to reference this story printed in Time
here. I saw this story this morning on Reddit and I thought to myself, holy shit racism is still alive and fuckin' well in this country. I on some level couldn't even believe that blatant racism like this was still a fact of life for minorities in this country. I bet the fuckers that are responsible for denying a black community water are fuckin' McCain supporters. Or maybe they're more extreme and dream of the days when David Duke is fuckin' president and his vice president is fuckin' Pat Buchanan. Either way, this story scares me.
When I see a story like this, it makes me wonder if anyone I know is racist. Of course, the flippant but maybe correct answer is who do I know that is voting for McCain? I say this not because these people are failing to vote for a black candidate; they are supporting what to my mind can only be a racist candidate. The message of the Republican party for the last 7 years has been an unbroken message of hatred towards Muslims (most of whom happen to be of different races than caucasian), hatred towards hispanics (those ridiculous ideas about the illegal immigrants that are causing all the problems in this country), and the hatred of affirmative action (I know a lot of suburbanite teens that believe they were the victims of
discrimination due to affirmative action and so this concept gains a lot of traction amongst people I know. "I didn't get into [insert college here] because some black kid with a 950 on his SATs did.").
Of those, I find myself disagreeing with all three sentiments. The notable exception is that I don't like the way affirmative action is applied currently. I think there should be an economic qualifier for affirmative action which is not currently in place. I do find it ridiculous that incredibly wealthy minority individuals receive so much aid where none is needed while minority students that need a lot of aid receive none. For instance, I know a kid that went to Stanford whose parents have a private jet and own a very successful, multi-million dollar business that I find to be vaguely predatory towards the poor. This individual had Standford offer to fly him out and pay for everything and promise everything to this individual during decision time for his undergraduate. Why? Because he was an incredibly intelligent and successful minority. I've known a lot of students who were as intelligent and successful but were not minorities. They got no such treatment. This kid's flippant response to Stanford was something along the lines of: "Whatever, I'll fly out in my jet. Save the aid for the kid that needs it." But this is the sad truth. I have no problem with the idea of affirmative action. I just wish it was implemented better.
My questions for you though is these: Do you find yourself thinking that illegal immigrants are to blame for many problems in this country and see illegal immigration as a prioity? Do you find yourself railing against affirmative reaction? Lastly, do you fear Muslim terrorists? I will also venture to ask two more. . . Are you against welfare? And the followup : when you picture a wellfare recipient, what race is that individual? Perhaps these questions might be a litmus test to begin examining whether or not racism has a home in your viewpoints.
And if you answered black to the final question, you can fuckin' thank Ronald fuckin' Reagan for that one. What a racist and ignorant fuck that guy was. You can fuckin' thank him for privatizing those wonderful governments institutions of Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac by the way. But even more you can thank him for instilling in our society the image of "Big Bertha", the black woman that had a lot of kids and took advantage of the governments charity. Fuck that racist asshole. If it hadn't been for the second Bush, I would be tempted to say that that Ronnie, that fuckin' cockcheese, might have been the worst president ever- even among such assholes as Grant, Harding, etc. We are still feeling the effects of his presidency. Somehow, his fuckups keep coming back to roger us again and again. And yet the fuckin' conservatives love this guy. Go figure. I just think it's another instance of epic fail racism beneath the surface in this country.